Focus Challenge FAQs
Focus Challenge Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to sign up?
The Focus Challenge is for members to Bariatric Food Coach. It is not an additional charge but is not available outside of membership. Become a member and the welcome email will include the link to then ‘checkout’ for the challenge at $0.
Do I need to be on Facebook?
📲 No, Facebook is not a requirement!
🖥 We do have a closed Facebook group for members but all challenge communication arrives via email and materials are posted on the website.
You can choose to engage with other members in a small group inside the GroupMe app. Groups have a leader and are categorized by surgery and time since surgery.
All live calls take place in Zoom and not on Facebook. Calls will be recorded and available on the website after the call.
How do the Live Calls work?
The Live Calls take place on Zoom. 10 minutes prior to the call members can chat but once we start everyone will be muted and use the chat box to engage. Your video is on unless you want to turn the camera off. No one will be visible in the replay video.
The replay of the live call will be made available next day.
What is the challenge exactly? Who is it for?
To keep it simple – the challenge is picking ONE goal that helps build a habit in your life that you wan to see.
You will download and print a goal tracker form, pick ① food related goal and ① exercise related goal. (You can choose to buy the printed Workbook on Amazon or the PDF version here.)
The Goal Setting Workshop is held the Thursday prior to the first day. You can read more about the Workshop here.
The challenge is for bariatric surgery patients. The majority of members are post-op patients but pre-op patients have joined us before and are most welcome!! Habit changes is for everyone and what better way to prepare for surgery!
What does the ‘theme’ of the challenge mean?
Every challenge has a theme to help us consider bigger picture things outside of the healthy habit goal you’re focusing on.
The theme for the Fall Focus Challenge is “Navigating Cravings.” Instead of ignoring cravings or feeling controlled by them, we are going to explore them and see what they are really about.
Should I do a ‘reset’ before the challenge?
🍴Some members choose to do a reset style of diet before the challenge or in the first week of the challenge. It is not necessary. There is nothing special about the resets and you can get back on track without one. (That being said, some will chose to do a reset style of eating plan for a few days to feel more mentally focused.)
There are different styles of ‘reset’ diets and this blog shares more.
The challenge itself is to pick ONE goal so if you do a reset style of a diet to get focused, you still have one overarching goal beyond a “reset”
Live Calls and Other Resources
Below is the schedule for the Fall live calls!
There will be a ‘challenge page’ on the website which is the hub for all things challenge. Recorded calls and other FAQ videos will be on this page. Meal plans will be on the meal plans page.