How to Get Started with Weight Loss Surgery
Chances are if you’re visiting my website, it’s not because you are considering weight-loss surgery, it’s because you have already made the decision to have the surgery. You may have made the decision long ago and have been living the post-op life for years!
If that’s you, maybe you remember how much you thought about it until you actually made the actions to find out more.
Did you know how to get started?
Maybe you are still in the phase of wondering about surgery but don’t know how someone gets started. Maybe you want to find out how to get started without having to tell anyone that you’re looking into it.
Most people looking into surgery are doing a google search late at night. They aren’t ready to talk to anyone about it for the most part.
I get so many questions, discreetly, from friends or acquaintances that know what I do for a living and want to ask more. They don’t know how to start. They don’t know if their insurance pays. They don’t know what a seminar is and aren’t sure if they want to go alone, but don’t know that they want to make someone go with them either.
This is yet another way that patients who have had weight-loss surgery impress me. I’ve written a letter on this site before about how I feel about bariatric surgery patients. You can read more here if you’d like, but just know that I think very highly of the boldness it takes to make such a significant change for the better.
In the latest FoodCoachMe Video Course, I cover three commonly asked questions on how to get started with weight-loss surgery.
I talk about how to get started with a Bariatric Program, whether insurance covers the surgeries or not and what happens if you have a 6 month pre-op requirement.
Maybe you have someone you want to share these videos with. Or maybe you found me late at night on YouTube. Regardless, I sincerely hope the information in these videos will help you or someone your love make it a step closer to finding out if surgery is the right choice.
If it’s the right time and the right doctor…bariatric surgery is awesome. Check out some of my favorite success stories for added encouragement!