Practical, Positive, Everyday Nutrition.
The Mission Of Food Coach Me LLC
To provide practical, everyday nutrition guidance in a positive way that gives hope and confidence to individuals who seek a healthy lifestyle and weight control.
When I was in college I scoffed a little when I had to write a Mission Statement for an assignment.
They were cheesy and included words like enthusiastic, aggressive, efficient and be the best.
When I left school and started working for a company, I never knew their mission statement. It was somewhere in the employee manual I’m sure. After a few years, I sat at a table with a group of people to re-design the mission statement. Oh boy.
It was in that meeting that I started to see these statements can, in fact, be purposeful. They can be empowering. They do you help you feel like you have a purpose, know where you’re going, and remind you that you’re on a team of people who desire the same thing. The trick, however, is remembering the mission statement and even looking back on it from time to time.
When I started my business, I decided I needed my own mission statement. Even though I’m a company of one (okay two if you count my better half…) I was writing a mission statement for one person. I wanted to collect my thoughts and ask myself
“Steph, what are you going to be about? In all these things rolling around in your head that you get excited about…how can you scope it down to one sentence to describe what this is all about?”
I want a lot of things in my business. My heart gets full when I think of what I’d like to see happen in the lives of others in regards to food and health.
- I want to empower others to get back in the kitchen and make cooking a healthy meal conducive to their lifestyle.
- I want to give practical advice to making all this nutrition information something they can actually achieve in their own way.
- I want to see people find out how God sees them and not how the world sees them.
- I want to pray with and for others, when they feel comfortable, to find freedom from food and weight struggles.
- I want to be a cheerleader and remind clients YOU CAN DO THIS!
- I want to remind people when they trip and fall…that everyone does and it’s never too late to dust themselves off and start again.
I can’t put all those things in a mission statement. It took my a while to boil it down to the most appetizing sentence to decide what Food Coach Me LLC is really all about. So I took it down to these words: Practical. Positive. Everyday Nutrition.
That’s what I want to be about. Something you feel like you can do years after you met with a dietitian. Not a fad. Not a short-term season in your life when you tried steaming vegetables.
Read it once more, slowly. If this Mission Statement resonates with you, I would love to set up a free 20 minute consultation call to talk more about my 30 Day Wellness Plan. Contact me for more information!
The mission of FoodCoachMe is provide practical, everyday nutrition guidance in a positive way that gives hope and confidence to individuals who seek a healthy lifestyle and weight control.
Hi Steph,
I think you’re mission statement is very good. The simplied 4 word version as well as that lengthier sentence at the top (your opening line) says it very well. The rest is your vision statement for your business and it is awesome. You know what they say, write the vision down and make it plain so that others may run with it.
Having been a patient with you at Weight Wise I’m so glad to still be able to follow you here and be allowed to receive your sharing of knowledge.
Keep up the great work,