This title makes me think of Friends! Any avid Friends watcher would know every episode title begins with “the one that…” I digress. Hello everyone! I just HAD to post such an exciting and celebratory event! So many of you have been following Kevin and I on this journey and covering us with prayer and … Continue reading "The time I got my back brace off."
Why do patients lose hair after weight loss surgery? Can you do anything to avoid it?
With so many foods out there, it can be a little confusing after a while to remember what’s a protein and what really isn’t that high in protein. In this video we’ll talk about what protein sources are the best and (spoiler alert) nuts and hummus aren’t on the list.
I still can’t say Thank You enough for all the sweet messages during this healing process! I have been asked for an update and finally feeling up to posting something today. (Wahoo!) This has been the theme of the past several weeks: Good morning, bad evening. Bad morning, better afternoon, worse evening. I can say, … Continue reading "Another Healing Update!"
I give you my THANKS!! Yes..this is Steph! I am back at home and back on the computer. The only way to describe my recovery, which only improves everyday, is to talk about the amazing God I serve. I can’t wait until the day when I can describe just how amazing this process has been. … Continue reading "For all the prayers and well wishes!"
My name is Kat Akers, and I am Steph’s soon to be sister-in-law! First, let me start by saying what a wonderful woman Steph is and how honored I am with the fact that she will officially be a part of our family in a few short months! She is obviously very talented, if you … Continue reading "To All of the Food Coach Me blog Followers"
Thanksgiving week is upon us! It’s fun to hear everyone’s plans for the hoilday. Many will travel. Many will stay. Many will cook. Many will host. Everyone will eat. Which brings me to my next point. How on earth could you ever follow a healthy diet on Thanksgiving?? I mean, don’t we get a free … Continue reading "Thanksgiving: Insider Tips"
Quick! Say “Parmesan Peppers” ten times really fast! Ahem. What I mean to say, is parmesan cheese + roasted peppers = yes. This recipe is from the June 2011 Bon Appetite magazine and is a home run every time. It’s still a great time of year for bell peppers and this dish is incredibly easy … Continue reading "Parmesan Peppers"