Bariatric Stage 3 Diet: The “Regular” Diet

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

March 5, 2024

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After a Bariatric Surgery like Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass, Duodenal Switch, or many other operations, there will be stages of the bariatric eating plan. Every program is different in what they call each stage. The final stage might be called the Bariatric Stage 3 Diet. It could be Stage 3 although some programs divide up their stages into much smaller segments and thus have more of them. 

The Bariatric Regular Diet means there are no more restrictions on the textures of the food. You can eat solid meats and get more options for protein sources. This website is full of bariatric recipes once you’re cleared! 

It’s exciting to get to the point of graduating from all the stages and phases of the bariatric diet. However, it can get really confusing once you’re on a regular post-op diet. How do you know what you should or shouldn’t have? And how much should you eat? 

One of the most common questions I get – Steph, how much should I be eating now? 

My take on it?

Put less energy into how MUCH you should be eating and put that energy into planning quality meals. It’s way less about how much and way more about food quality. Quality > Quantity. More on that in a moment. 

For this video and blog, we’ll deep dive into the final stage of the bariatric diet. For some, the clear liquid diet is stage 1, the full liquid diet is stage 2 and the final stage is the Bariatric Regular Diet. 


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Advancing to bariatric regular, solid protein foods

Say goodbye to canned tuna and hello to the textures of flavors of solid proteins that have been grilled, roasted or baked with seasonings and spices!

In the soft food phase, you have your training wheels on. You’re practicing taking small bites, eating slowly and identifying your stopping point. When you’ve mastered that, you can forge ahead into the regular diet with a higher likelihood of tolerating lean beef, pork, and poultry.

A big note here: you WILL get full faster on a more solid protein

If you’ve figured out how much scrambled egg is right for you, but then you sit down to a hamburger patty, prepare to be amazed. A solid textured protein will fill you up faster and keep you full longer.

This is why protein textures matter so much! Learning to tolerate solid meats and not get stuck in the soft food phase plays a big part in your journey towards enjoying food and controlling hunger after surgery.

What can you eat on the bariatric diet?

The idea behind a “bariatric regular diet” is that you are no longer restricted by the textures of foods.

However, you’ll probably still be restricted by what foods will be best tolerated and will help you get the most results from your metabolic surgery.

I like to talk about what you CAN have instead of what you should avoid.

Broken record alert: bariatric programs will differ on what they recommend eating for a long-term eating plan after surgery.

Some programs will say you can have anything just watch what you eat. Not helpful.

Other programs will give distinct macros or calories, yet it might still feel stressful on how to make those numbers work.

Another popular approach is called the Bariatric Plate Method which I reviewed here – and added notes my preferred approach.

It’s hard to provide great detail on what you should be eating after surgery in a blog post, but I’ll give it my best shot! You can access more information on my approach to eating and living after bariatric surgery in my video courses for Premier Access members. (Link for information)

To sum it up, here’s my take:

Focus on water in between your meals

Plan three meals a day focused on a lean protein source. Pair non-starchy veggies with it.

Fruit and heart-healthy fats are great, but watch those portions and pair them alongside protein in a meal. It’s harder to overdo it when you’re filled with protein.

Don’t stress how much you’re eating, focus on small bites, going slowly and stopping at your first sign of fullness. Your pouch will guide the way.

Bariatric Stage 3 Recipes

Once you’re clear to advance your diet, all the recipes here on Bariatric Food Coach are a fit for you! Over 600 recipes and growing. Unlock all of them with Premier Access.

All the recipes are focused first on protein, and next on some veggies. They are easy to prepare and mindful of carbohydrate or fat content.

collection of hundreds of weight loss surgery recipes for bariatric patients

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