August 2022 Live Call Replay Clips

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

August 22, 2022

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New food after bariatric surgery, pouch resets, obesity medications and more: Member Call Video Clips August 2022


Video clips answering 11 great questions (plus bonus questions asked live!) on the August 2022 member call

Bariatric video clips answering submitted questions from our members! Become a member and join us for our live calls each month! You can submit questions in advance to make sure yours is answered!

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Question One – Two Parts (7:20 minutes): Can you have too much protein? Can you take medication to lose the last 15 pounds?



There is such as thing as unnecessary protein. Here is the member video course “The Do’s and Don’ts of Protein” that I reference in my answer.


Obesity medications may be used as a treatment option after surgery. Though, it’s not likely it’ll be used for the last 15 pounds. Medication is to treat the disease of obesity. If a patient is no longer obese after bariatric surgery than the treatment of the surgery was effective! This would likely mean additional medication isn’t necessary because the obesity has been well treated.

This is also more of a question about goal weight and expectations. Here is a blog for more on that. 


Question Two(6:04 minutes) and Three (1:32):  How long to wait if you don’t tolerate a food, when are seeds of vegetables or fruits okay?



Programs will differ on this. I tend to have patients focus on liquid and soft protein in the first month and not introduce fruits or vegetables until at least 4 weeks post-op.

You might start with softer textures like canned green beans. I tend to wait longer on stringy vegetables like asparagus or celery. The healing phase is the first 8 weeks post-op so it is reasonable to think you can have other foods by then.

Other members shared they usually waited 2 weeks before trying something they didn’t tolerate and that it was often more from eating too much than the food itself.

Some couldn’t tolerate broccoli or eggs for a few months but were able to add them later.


Question Four:  Regular or low-fat cheese?? (1:50 minutes)



Regular has less carbohydrate and more protein but should I go for the lower fat cheeses?

Question Five:  Stalls at 6 weeks Post VSG (3:22 minutes)


Here is an older video that talks about stalls and tips for breaking through one.

Question Six:  Hard to feel satisfied before feeling too full (2:42 minutes)


I would emphasize bite size and speeed to better identify natural fullness (satiety) cues. When the bite is too big or the bites back up on each other, the signals get confusing!

Here is a members video to the “Highlighter Marker” for a good visual.

Question Seven: Options for holiday baking with family (3:27)


Here is an example recipe of Nuts I mentioned! You could put them in cute little Mason jars for gifts. Many people grow tired of sweets during the Season and may appreciate something else!


Question Eight: What about beans? (2:06)


Beans often get confused as a protein source. They DO have protein but they have more carbohydrate. That’s the nature of vegetable proteins sometimes!
Beans are great on the healing diet as you slowly add more textures. Further out, you want to pair a lean and solid protein with beans to moderate the portion.

Question Nine: Can you become lactose intolerant after Gastric Bypass? (0:57)


Yes, lactose intolerance is not uncommon after bariatric surgery. Some patients can do some dairy (cheese but not cottage cheese) and other may take a Lactaid before eating dairy.

Drinking milk isn’t recommended after surgery because of the liquid calorie intake though its more about managing other lactose containing foods. Here is a link for dairy free recipes on the site.

Question Ten: Do you need to carbohydrate count? (3:15)


For more on this, watch the members video course specific to your surgery.

For more about the pie chart, this page answers many common questions and includes the pie chart.

Members, check out the resource “Nutrition Label Cheat Sheet” under the Meal Planning tab when logged in (or the video course on reading labels!)

Bonus questions asked live: Reset Diets, Probiotics

In short, the reset diet is not necessary. There is no scientific evidence that you can shrink your pouch back to an early post-op size. I would rather see patients put time and energy into building daily habits that will last beyond a week.

Probiotics for most post-op patients are a great idea. There are instances when someone is having GI related issues that could be related to something else (such as SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and a probiotic may cause more trouble.

If you aren’t having any other GI concerns they are wonderful for gut health and metabolism.


Members can find video clips from previous monthly live chats under Member Resources > Monthly Live Calls


Become a member and join us for our live calls each month! You can submit questions in advance to make sure yours is answered!

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2 thoughts on “August 2022 Live Call Replay Clips”

  1. If I have gain 30 pounds and I am 3 years after my sleeve surgery, how can I Stop snacking all the time and drop this extra 30 pounds, is there a way I can reset my brain to Stop snacking all the time, Do you have any ideas? Please, HELP!!!

  2. Hi Kathi!

    Getting back in the groove and losing regained weight is the number one reason why post-op patients join my membership site. It’s just $14 a month (currently) and can be cancelled anytime.

    To answer your question, We can’t exactly reset anyone’s brain :-) but there are definitely things we can do to change how your body feels. When you focus on water and lean protein at meals plus small bites, going slowly, not drinking with meals and keep variety in your meal planning, we can start controlling hunger. With variety in meal planning we can also focus on reducing starches and sweets which really helps bring cravings and snacking down.

    I also have a video course on the emotional side of eating. Understanding that piece and the food management piece helps a lot!

    Not all hope is lost, I promise :-) I was just talking to a patient last week who has lost 120 pounds of regain 15 years post-op because she got back to meal planning and staying connected in our community!

    Here is more about the membership or feel free to ask any questions!

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