Behind the Scenes Look at my Meals, Family & Business

Steph Wagner MS, RDN

April 27, 2023

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A Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Nutrition and struggling with my weight

To be honest, I wasn’t sure if anyone cared about a “day in the life post” from me. My life is pretty boring!

Although hearing more about someone and taking a peak into their world helps connect us.

I, too, have a story about being uncomfortable in my body. I’ve cried tears of nothing to wear and feeling fat. I’ve worn hoodies on a warm days because I was too self-conscious to wear anything else.

When I declared Nutrition as my major at Kansas State University, I hoped it would answer my weight struggles as much as a degree option. While learning about metabolism and nutrient absorption, I counted every calorie I ate and hit the gym before class.

But, uhhh, I graduated at my highest weight.



I also had a terrible haircut from my sister right before graduation which did not help my confidence AT ALL. 

It wasn’t until my first job in a bariatric surgery clinic that I re-wrote the script for myself. I will always be grateful to the surgeons and colleagues at WeightWise Bariatric Clinic in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Not only did it start me on a career path I would fall completely in love with, but it also allowed me to find my way to control my hunger and weight. We counseled patients to focus on lean protein paired with veggies and to fill up. Listen to body cues instead of weighing food or counting calories.

It was scary. I didn’t trust myself or my hunger. I decided I better try if I was going to coach others to do the same. Plus, I was hopeful it could work.

Which brings me to today.

Over a decade later and it still works

I’ve maintained a 40-pound weight loss for 13 years, including losing baby weight after two pregnancies. My day-to-day schedule is jam-packed and managing food and hunger is KEY to keeping up with it all.

I took pictures throughout my “typical Monday” to share behind the scenes how I run this bariatric nutrition business, a home, and a family while maintaining my weight.

This is just a snapshot. Some days I am hungrier and eat more to control my hunger. The most important thing for me is staying ON TOP of my hunger! Water and protein-first meals are a must for my appetite control.

I make it to the gym three days a week. On other days I walk outside if it’s nice or on my treadmill. I aim for 120 minutes a week of activity in some form or fashion. It’s as much for my mental breaks as my physical health!

My preference for the gym is at 9 am when I can take Tommy to the kid’s watch area, but this week I had to do one early morning to get it done. It’s not the worst but don’t get the impression I’m at the gym at 6 am every morning!

Currently, I’m doing more strength training than, quite possibly, ever. My colleague Julie, a dietitian and a trainer, has a 90-day “Take on the Weight Room” challenge. She loads the workouts into an app. It shows me videos to see exactly what to go do at the gym. It is AWESOME. (You should follow her! @vibrantRD)

Ahh, the age-old question: should you eat before a workout?

There are probably different ways to answer, but here is why I DO eat.

My main goal is to stay on top of my hunger. If I skip eating and go straight to the gym, I will be overly hungry by the time I’m done. That matters to me more than any other rabbit trail of fueling a workout. I just did a cheese stick this time.

Back at home, the morning chaos is underway. In between making the kid’s Eggo® Waffles with GoGurt®, brushing tangles, and breaking up fights, I make some Parmesan Eggs for myself. Then my five-year-old ate half and I had some cottage cheese to make up for it! 



Taking my cute 5 -year-old to preschool like most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The other days he’s home with me are not my most productive days. I have to hit the ground running the moment I get to my home office!



My ice maker in the basement is a huge help for drinking plenty of water. I fill my Stanley at least three, sometimes four times a day.

On Mondays, I plan meals and order groceries (unless I got it done on Sunday by miracle). My website update just added the “add ingredients to Instacart” feature so I tested it out. I use Instacart for Aldi anyway so it was easy to sign in to everything and BOOM my groceries were ordered! Bada bing!



My finished attic office gets chilly so I put on some fingerless gloves and drink my favorite herbal tea (Bengal Spice). I am putting together a super encouraging presentation for patients who’ve regained weight. A live call coming up soon! Be sure and join my to join me on the free call about regain!



A huge perk to working from home with Kevin is walk breaks. They aren’t super long, but a great way to get away from a screen together!

Kevin does all the techy stuff on Bariatric Food Coach. I couldn’t do any of this without him!



Most often my lunch is leftovers from the night before. It helps me fill up on protein and clear out my fridge. The night before we had One Pan Chicken and Roasted Vegetables (it’s a Premier Access recipe but here is the link).

I try to take a break to eat but have to admit, I do eat at my desk on days I am super tight on time.

I don’t measure my portions.

I don’t count my grams or my ounces. I have no idea how many calories were in my lunch. My approach is what I call the 2:1 Protein Method. You can read more here but essentially, fill up on 2 bites protein to 1 bite veggies and listen to your natural fullness cues.



After lunch, I have to do some serious heavy lifting to get things done before picking up the kids. I ask my team for a lot of help, clear out my inbox and task list. I connect with my members in the community and schedule emails like my weekly newsletter!



Time is up and I have to run out the door to Pre-K pickup and get home in time for the neighbor to bring my first grader home! I grab an afternoon snack (oh! I forgot to say I didn’t have surgery. I have protein snacks in between meals like a cheese stick or a protein bar.)

My favorite protein bar is Power Crunch if I ordered from Walmart instead of Aldi. I also use Costco Protein bars and eat half to three-quarters.


My Aldi order arrived! All the ingredients for the recipes from my site! BRILLIANT!

Also, an afternoon coffee to push through the rest of the day. From here on out getting dinner on the table, being with the kids, and getting them to bedtime will require all the energy I have.



Dinner time prep is easier in the Spring when the kids are happy outside for a bit. We’re also getting a new patio this week so the excitement of trucks and construction is keeping them busy!

I made Morrocan Chicken Thighs (one of my favorites) with steamed carrots. The next night I made BBQ Chicken Foil packs on the grill.

I don’t use thigh meat often but when I do, Morrocan is where it is at!


Family dinner time is simple and yet super hard

Okay, breathe. Dinner time with the family is hard. Mostly saying this to myself.

Last Summer I read “The Picky Eater Project” and did my best to implement it in my home.

We do a “one family, one meal” approach which means I will put out several bowls and options of food, but this is what we are having. You can pick what you’d like to put on your plate, as will Mom and Dad.

I sit closest to the meats and veggies because I want to fill up on those. Mostly I’m not tempted by the starchy foods on the table but I won’t lie. If it’s taco night I will have some chips or a street taco-sized tortilla. (I wouldn’t have done that as much if I was actively losing weight, and I don’t do it every time.)

Some nights I will say it’s “kids’ choice” and let them have the chicken nuggets or quesadillas they want. I don’t feel guilty when I do this because it is such a big treat for them! I only pull that card when I need to.


Hey, I said this would be behind the scenes! This particular night there was a big argument about who sat at the head of the table. It was an ORDEAL. I was tired of the shouting and told them I was eating outside.

They followed me. We ate outside on the sidewalk. At least there was less fighting.


I didn’t get any photos of the bedtime chaos, though I’m not sure you needed them anyway.

Kevin and I push through baths, books, brushing teeth, and all the excuses of why they need one more thing. When everyone is finally quiet for the night, we either finish up some work, read, or watch something to zone out.

This particular night, I was so tired from the early workout I didn’t do anything but watch half a Hallmark movie and go to bed!

Some nights I am hungry in the evenings because dinner is so early. I like Quest chips dipped in cottage cheese, Greek yogurt or Dark Chocolate Royale shakes from Atkins for sweetness. In the winter I do Protein Hot Chocolate. Protein-focused snacks to curb my hunger in the evening to set me up well the next day.


Weight management is so boooring

There you have it! I warned you it was a little boring… but that’s really what hunger control and weight maintenance are. Leave me a comment if you can relate to the boring alert for maintaining weight!

It’s not that your food life has to be boring. NOT AT ALL. I love creating new recipes, adding flavors, and keeping crunch in my life.

But when it comes to the behind-the-scenes of day-to-day healthy habits, it’s just as exciting as staying on a budget, brushing your teeth twice a day, or emptying the dishwasher.

The more you do it, the more second nature it becomes…but feeling tired, bored, stressed or not having time to plan is always in the mix.

That’s why community is so important to stay motivated and consistent. I’m so grateful for the BFC Members cheering one another on. It’s contagious to myself and my team too!

Stay tuned! I’m working on something exciting and I made a mention of it in this behind-the-scenes recap!

Hop on the waitlist for my newest course “After the Honeymoon: Managing Regain after Surgery” and you’ll hear more announcements soon!


after the honeymoon course with steph wagner on bariatric food coach

2 thoughts on “Behind the Scenes Look at my Meals, Family & Business”

  1. Thank you for taking us behind the scenes. It’s so nice to see how others are striving to keep the weight off while juggling “real life”. The part about you going outside to escape the suppertime chaos, and everybody following was priceless!

  2. Ha! I am so glad you enjoyed the real insider look! It’s definitely not black and white at any stage of life…but it’s doable!

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