Private: Pantry Clean Out Challenge!!!

Video #4 – The BEST Bariatric Pantry

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Weight Loss Surgery Nutrition FoodCoach.Me

Welcome to the final video of the FoodCoachMe Pantry Challenge!

Now that you’ve purged all the unwanted items out of your shelves, it’s time to re-stock them with the best items for your success.

In this video, I’ll share with you several items I found among the aisles of my local grocery store. I have no ties to any of these companies and there are WAY more items out there that I didn’t cover (it would be a very long video to get them all!) If nothing else, I hope this video is helpful in getting your wheels turning for items to keep you on track.

*THIS* is the recipe I mentioned in the video for one of my favorite meatloaf dinners :) 

(Below are Affililate links to some of the mentioned products):

Powered Peanut Butter:

Primal Beef Jerky Bars:

Quest Bars:

Quest Chips:

If you are looking for a more detailed plan to help you get back on track, gain access to the Back On Track Course when you enroll for membership. You also gain access to my meal planner tool or pre-written meal plans with grocery lists.


I also mentioned in this video the Do’s and Don’ts About Protein Video Course for more information about when protein shakes are helpful and when they are not.

For more information on Membership Enrollment click here.

All my best to you in this journey to health!

Steph :)